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MPBT Youth Ambassador- Paige

MPBT Youth Ambassador, leadership and mentoring program is excited to introduce you to:

MPBT Youth Ambassador, leadership and mentoring program is excited to introduce you to: Paige, a 13 year old Yosemite Valley Charter 8th grader, grew up performing shows for her family with her two older sisters on a wooden stage. After meeting two influential people, Tia Brown and Norah Takahara, her love of performing was fostered, and with hard work and dedication, she has been able to develop into the amazing ballerina she is today. Her dance studio, The Dance Center, has been her biggest motivator, and the MPBT Nutcracker will always be a place for her to reset and have fun. She wants to remind the younger dancers that dance is sometimes hard. Not everything goes right. Enjoy the process. The reward is an incredible performance that you will want to do over and over again. #mpbtnutcracker2023

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